Thursday, 14 March 2013

Day 35 Home to Ontario

Trip odometer rolls over.
Well the drive home seemed a lot longer than the drive west, but we made it.  4 days instead of 3, a bit of ice on the Canadian roads but overall we hit a 4 day high with lots of sun and no snow.  Roads were great today.  We drove the south side of Superior which was a nice drive.  Nothing too exciting about the drive except the truck rolled over 10,000 kms.  Total kms. were 10,500 driven in the 35 days.  As you can see below boredom took it toll on us and we downloaded a IPad app called Auto Bingo for our entertainment.  Very lame!

Auto Bingo, note missing W on keyboard

Overall, the entire trip was great.  In total I believe we lost 3 gloves, a scarf, a W, and a pair of earrings.  Not bad.  Basically, didn't buy anything but food, drink, gas and lift tickets. 

Thanks to all the people who made our trip so special.  It was so wonderful reconnecting and renewing friendships.

Day 1- Roma's (Julie's mom) driving day from Sarnia
Day 2-3 hotels -driving across the USA
Day  4-8 Wright's cabin -Pincher Creek -5 days of skiing
Day 9 Barry household - Calgary
Day 10-11 Parnell household-Cochrane -2 days hiking
Day 12-14 Jennings/Gilbert ski house Golden - skied Kicking Horse, hiked Wapta falls
Day 15 skied Revelstoke 2 days, Powder Springs Hotel
Day 16 Godfrey's house Vernon
Day 17 Cliff and Karan Proudfoot's - Vancouver
Day 18-20 Bogusky's Comox, BC - skied 2 days Mt. Washington
Day 21-22 Tofino, hiked Qualicum falls and the beaches
Day 23-25 Jagger Family, Whistler BC
Day 26 drove to Merritt BC
Day 27-28 Jasper AB, skied Marmot
Day 29 Baillie household, Edmonton
Day 30 Payne household Edmonton
Day 31 Drumheller, tourist boutique hotel
Day 32 Wright household, Calgary
Day 33 Price household, Saskatoon
Day 34 Sandi Proudfoot, Winnipeg
Day 35Patrick household, Lively

Now it is time to start organizing for Phase 2 - trip to Peru and Chile

Dawson and Julie

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