Friday, 12 April 2013

Day 16 SA - Adious Lima

It is our last full day in Lima, tomorrow we will be heading south to Nasca to view the famous Nasca Lines. Today is one of the few days for which we have no firm plans. The day starts at 8 for breakfast, We are both getting good at sleeping in. Dawson goes for a run along the bluffs while Julie catches up on emails and the blog. We have a good Skype chat with Ross and are out for a walk by 11. With no plans we are drawn to the shore heading north along the bluffs and then down to the shore.

The beach in Lima is all cobble so makes for difficult walking. We take some photos and enjoy the sun. There are signs and lights which indicate a the level of sun exposure you should have along with protection you should take. It is divided by the level of sun and by type of skin, white or dark. You can see a photo below of the light/sign, it is a medium day a today.

There is a fair bit of activity along the shore both human and bird. The humans are surfing/boogie boarding and fishing and the bird life fishing or resting. Julie spotted a bird with a fish but we did not have time to get a picture. At one point we had a pelican flying straight at us, and we took a series of three photos, the last one has only half of the bird in the farm as Julie pulled Dawson out of the way just for the last one. She did not trust the birds flying skills with that long pelican beak that looked like a scewer.

By 2 it was time for launch and we chose a resturant along the shore line. It turned out to be high end with prices comparable to Canada but the food was delicious. Our waiter was interested to know where we were from and once he found out Canada he wanted specifics. It turned out that his son is the chef in a Peruvian restaurant in Oakville called Machu Picchu. We told him that we will say hi to his son, Pablo junior. After lunch we heading to the Barranco district of Lima the one we had biked through the day before. We had coffee and then headed back to the hotel for around six pm. An excellent day. We must have walked about 10kms.

For dinner it was a toss up between something light at a restaurant or to go and pick up something up at the grocery store. We ended up having a beer on a rooftop patio and then heading to the grocery story. I think we may have mentioned this before but the driving in Lima is somewhat chaotic by Canadian standards. It was an interesting beer we had as we watched the traffic moving through the intersection below our patio. Julie found it reminded her of a game Ross had downloaded to her Itouch, which had you navigate traffic through an intersection as the traffic travelled at different speed. We both believe that the software designer must have got their inspiration over a beer like us.

Photo Notes
1 and 2) Julie along Mira Flora shore
3) Beach break, note small stones thrown up by break (the surf was bigger during our surf attempt)
4) Birds resting on wires (there was a white strip of guano along the road side)
5, 6 and 7) Pelican flying along beach - note the last photo only show half a pelican
8) Crab shells on beach - this photo will give you an idea of the cobbles
9) Sun guide
10) Lunch stop
11) View back to lunch spot, we are now in Barranco
12) Old Barranco home
13) View of intersection from rooftop bar

Dawson and Julie

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