Monday, 2 June 2014

Day 340, Wednesday, May 28th

Day 340, Wednesday, May 28th

As usual we are up with the sun.  First job is a pump out and cleaning the holding tank.  What a way to start the day.  Oh well, can’t be all play. 

Jazzebelle being hauled
We are second in line for the haul out and we need to move the boat over to another dock.  First we launch the dinghy and motor so we can use it later to access downtown Annapolis.  We pack another 3 bins, and we are ready to move.  The fairways are narrow, there is very little wind so with a bit of planning it is no problem.  When we dock however the dockhand wants us to do it differently than Julie has planned so there is a bit of confusion, but Julie goes to her plan C and we end up on the opposite finger dock which is fine, as there is a haul out slip there too.

We watch the boat being pulled out with mixed feelings as she has been such a major part of our life and we know we are saying good-bye to her, possibly forever.  We loved the Caliber 40 and will return to the waters and the Calibers in the future.  After all our time shopping for her, she was the right boat and kept us safe in some scary weather (although we mainly timed the weather perfectly to avoid storms).

Watching with smiles
It takes only an hour for the boat to be all blocked up safely, and we are allowed up on her to continue working away.  It is more difficult now to offload her and we need to be very careful not to fall off as we climb up and down.  The biggest sadness is the toilets are no longer useable.  Now we have to walk over to the marina wash house to use the showers, and toilets which is a real pain.  No late night drinks tonight!
Back to cleaning, stuff comes out of everywhere.  Boat puking is the term we use.

At about 5:00 we head over to Davis Pub via dinghy.  We have to take a couple stabs at finding the dinghy dock, lots of private clubs that won’t let us tie up the dinghy.  Finally we find it and join another couple outside as there is a table shortage.  It starts getting cold, so we transfer inside where it is also cold, but at least no breeze.  The rain has held off for most of the day, but it is now starting to drizzle.
Back at the boat we do manage to make some coffee with our fingers crossed hoping we won’t run out of propane. 


Julie and Dawson

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