Thursday, 13 March 2014

Day 259, Saturday March 8th - A meeting with old friends

Day 259, Saturday March 8th – A meeting with old friends

Well last night was quite windy.  Julie did not sleep so well as she was up checking things a few times, so finally decided to sleep on the settee (couch).  We get up early and listen to Chris Parker.  The squalls are over he thinks and the wind will continue to clock around and stay fairly high, but not as high as last night.

Today is a play day, similar to many days.  We are hiking to Rachelle’s bubble bath and hoping to snorkel a bit.  We want to get to the bubble bath at high tide.  We aren’t quite sure where it is however have a general idea.  Jake and  Sarah as well as Mike and Thelma are also going there but they are moving their motherships closer to the site whereas we are going to dinghy over to Compass Cay where it is located.  High tide is noon we think so at 11:00 we head over with our picnic lunch.  Jake and Sarah off of Prosperi have anchored already in the bay so we agree to meet at shore with our picnics.  Mike and Thelma are not yet around.
Dawson towing dinghy up the creek to beach it

On shore there is a lovely beach, with a creek that we assume leads up to Rachelle’s bubble bath. 
First we head over to the gazebo on the beach and have our lunch as it is nearly noon now.   There are a number of lizards around which are quite tame all coming around for handouts.
Jake and a Lizard
 Mike and Thelma show up as we are munching lunch, and then we all start the hike together.
Sure enough about 10 minutes up the creek we see what we think is the “bubble bath”.  The creek has been created from waves that are bashing against the rocks on the Eastern shore and there is a low spot in the rock wall that the waves crash over at high tide and a pool has formed below where the waves feed the creek.  We all hop in and are pleasantly entertained by the moving water. 
Rachelle's Bubble Bath

Jake and Sarah on the way our from the bubble bath
The waves increase in size and they come over the wall better and better until they have enough strength to send us swirling in the pool and create millions of air bubbles so it is like hanging out in a club soda infinity pool.  We were giggling like kids we had so much fun.

After the pool we bid good-bye to our new found friends as they are continuing south for the day and we are staying at Cambridge Cay awaiting our Erie Canal friends, Airtime from Sarnia that we also met in the North Channel of Lake Huron last summer, and Quiescence that we met in Atlanta.  We have not seen them since mid October on our way south.  We know they are also anchoring in Cambridge Cay tonight.
Air Time on a mooring

Quiescence at anchor

We decide to also move our boat into the mooring field at Cambridge Cay so we are closer to the social life.  We also meet Baccalu as the 4 boats get together on shore for an informal appetizer/dinner social.  We enjoy catching up on Airtime and Quiescence travels.   Quiescence graciously give us a pound of coffee which they have in excess to their needs.  We had asked them to see if Compass Marine had any to sell but they are able to spot us a pound.  Thanks again Quiescence.  We don’t stay late and plan on Quiescence joining us for the next couple days up to Shroud Cay.

Back at the boat we make ourselves a pot of coffee and use the sat phone to find out the results of Ross’s 2nd race at the all Canadian Interuniversity finals.  We learn that Ross has got a silver.  Bravo Ross for his gold and silver performance.  Wish we were there.

Note on how to get to Rachelle’s Bubble Bath.  From Cambridge Cay head south across Conch Cut to the North West tip of Compass Cay, here you will see the small creek with the gazebo beside it.  Walk up the creek to the north east and you have arrived.


Julie and Dawson

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