Monday, 5 May 2014

Day 312, Wednesday April 30th

Day 312, Wednesday April 30th

We have a restful night at dock.  Morning comes early as Mike rings Dawson to let him know he can make it over to pick him up to come play for the day.  Julie is doing taxes, paying bills etc. so will enjoy the time alone.  This will be the first full day we have done separate things.  We mainly spend 24/7 together except for the odd hour here and there for a run, or errands.

Mike's new boat Tayana 42
The day is gloomy so a perfect day for taxes.  We all get refunds, or in Ross’s case at least he does not have to pay.  It is not as critical to get the returns done since we are not in an owing position, but it will be nice to receive the refunds.  Julie works away at the computer.  Nothing has been printed so both computers are going, one computer to look at all the scanned documents, and the other to input the data.  Everything goes along wonderfully and the taxes are done by 3:00, just in time to re-secure all the lines, as the expected storms are on the doorstep.  Looking at the Doppler radar it looks like we will be lucky as we are just on the edge of the storm.  There is some nasty stuff happening out there.  We have been hearing about tornados for the last couple days, so glad we are not in the midst of the nastiness.

Luckily we are just on the edge of the storm and other than a bit of hard rain for 15 minutes along with some wind, the sun comes out and the wind dies off.  Dawson returns just as the rain is ending.  We continue doing some administration, paying bills, sending off communications for a repair, emailing our property manager, emailing the kids, emailing a real estate agent in Toronto etc. etc.  Amazing how the day gets filled up.
Dawson’s day consists of hanging out on the boat Mike is buying, a 42’ Tayana Vancouver.  Mike has purchased the boat with the condition of a positive survey and sea trail.  As soon as we arrive at the Cape Fear Marina we find the surveyor on the boat going through his check list.  It is a beautiful double ender with the beautiful wood interior the Taiwanese boats are known for.  Around 12 we move the boat over to the lift to be pulled for the out of water survey.  Once the boat is pressure washed it is back in the water for the sea trial.  We have a storm getting ready to roll through so the sea trial is a short one.  Just as we reach the dock the sky opens up and the rain pours down.  We take the opportunity to sit below and the surveyor reviews his finding with Mike while I check the hatches and port holes for leaks.  The report is positive so in 3 days time Mike will be the proud owner of a 42 sailing vessel.  His plans are to spend the summer getting the boat ready to go south next fall.  This will keep him busy for a while.  Good sailing to you Mike.

Around 4 Mike runs Dawson back to the West Marine in Wrightville Beach so Dawson can return the air horn replacement canister we had bought the day before.  This time Dawson brought the horn nozzles to ensure we get the right one.  Turns out that they do not have one so Dawson gets the cash back and heads over to the local hardware store which has a marine section to see what they have.  Turns out they do not stock the compressed air horns any more having switched to a hand pump version.  It is the same price as the replacement cylinder and you do not have to worry about it running out, and it is loud.  By 5 Dawson is back at the boat.

At 5:00 we declare the work day done and move on to happy hour and dinner preparation.  Dawson describes his day of fun, having chatted with the surveyor of Mike’s new boat, and getting to go out for the sea trial.  Sadly he did not really get a glimpse of Wilmington, oh well, but an enjoyable day hanging around boats.

The winds kick up again at bedtime.  We shall hope to get some sleep tonight. 


Julie and Dawson

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