Thursday, 18 July 2013

Day 18, Wednesday July 10th, a very blustery day

Neighbour on the roscks
Dawson hoisting anchor for Greg Miles
The Day started off with a bit of excitement.  During the night the winds had built as predicted.  The only issue was that the wind had stayed to the south long enough to set up waves from the south.  These were able to roll up into the anchorage and get the boats rocking.  We were out of bed at 5:30 to check things out, Dawson looked to the east and said “I think Irish Wake has dragged”  but then noticed that the crew of Irish Wake was on the deck, within 30 seconds there was 3 blasts on Irish Wake’s air horn stating that he was in distressed.   Within 5 minutes there was 4 dinghies over at Irish Wake, with 3 of us pushing and one pulling on a line from the bow.  After 15 mins we had managed to push her off the rocks.  I jumped aboard to hoist the anchor.  She then moved over and re-anchored on the west side of the bay with the rest of us.

Julie sewing the sail cover in the wind
We spent the rest of the day working on the boat and watching the boat walk around her anchor. Julie did a sewing job on the sail cover as the boat tossed and turned with the waves.  On a number of occasions Dawson called Julie to deck to say we were dragging only to have Julie point out that we have just stretched the chain out.  We did leave the boat for about 30 minutes going over to the shore for a quick hike down to the southern point. The hike was nice as we were now 24 hours of rolling back and forth.  No seasickness though, but Julie did take a preventive gravol.  On the bright side our wind generator was spinning around providing some energy for the boat.

We had another excellent dinner and headed off for bed around 10 in the evening.
Jazzebelle blowing at anchor


Dawson and Julie


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