Friday, 13 December 2013

Day 173, Thursday December 12th - good run on the beach

Day 173, Thursday December 12th

Today we are heading to Marsh Harbour as some high winds are expected tonight and Ross flies in on Sunday so we want to ensure we are in Marsh Harbour to greet him.  High tide is not until 15:00 so we decide to leave around noon as low tide which is at 10:00 is not the right time to be pulling out.  There is no visit from the dolphin today, but there are a couple hundred minnows that are trying to avoid being a larger fish’s breakfast.  We noticed them because suddenly they all went airborne only about an inch out of the water, but sufficiently that the water surface looked like hundreds of raindrops in a 6 foot by 6 foot area, and sure enough we watched for awhile and the minnows were being chased every couple of minutes by about a 5 inch fish that was hanging out under our boat.  It was neat to see. 

Dawson doing a cool run
We head to the seashore and Dawson goes for a run, while Julie goes for a speed walk.  The sand is fairly easy to walk in as near the waves the sand is compacted.  It is already very hot out as there is but a breath of wind.  After our exercise we head over to say good bye to Bill and Judy and drop off a novel to them and then hop in the pool for a quick swim.  The pool is very refreshing.  Julie finds a crab on the way that is quite colourful.
The cool down

Crab in shell that was on walkway
After the swim we are off to the boat to start preparing for departure.  This is about a 30 minute routine of hoisting the outboard motor, then the dinghy, then securing everything, closing all the portholes, ensuring all the lines are free and clear, then hoisting the anchor.  The winds are still light but scheduled to pick up by 13:00.  We motorsail for most of the way, for the main reason we have to charge the batteries.  For the last two days there has been no wind in at Treasure Cay, which means we get 0 power from the wind generator, so it is time to top the batteries up.  It is only about 15 miles to Marsh Harbour so we will get into port well before nightfall.  We drop the hook around 15:00 hours.  The winds have already picked up and are blowing about 12 knots out of the north, just as forecasted.  It was neat to watch the Sea of Abaco as the wind picked up, when we left Treasure Cay it was quite calm but by the time we made Marsh Harbour there were white caps on the sea.  It is very shallow in the Sea of Abaco, 8 to 14 feet, so it does not take long for a wave to build up.
Lots of boats in Marsh Harbour
It is a little busier in Marsh Harbour than our other visits here.  The boats from Florida have started to make it over here in numbers now.  Previously there were only 6 to 10 boats at anchor now we can count 28 boats, with a number being Canadian.

We spend the afternoon on the boat blogging and reading, a nice dinner, a quick game of King’s Cribbage and off to bed we go.

Julie and Dawson

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