Friday, 25 April 2014

Day 304, Tuesday April 22nd Still in St. Mary's

Day 304, Tuesday April 22nd

We are still in St. Mary’s.  There have been a few calm days now, but we are hoping to be able to sail so we are delaying.  It is a work day today as the boat needs a good spray down and we have use of fresh water.  Dawson clears out the cockpit so we can hose it down, then he starts on the deck.  Julie hoses down the hull and as always works away at polishing the stainless.  We have plans of waxing too, but we run out of day.  (we will get to it underway in a couple of days).

Cleaning everything of salt
The hosing down continues as we also tackle cleaning the dodger, bimini and enclosure.  Once everything dries Julie then has to polish all the windows as there is lots of calcium in the water and there are water spots everywhere.  Better than salt, but still does not look spit clean.

Bruce's birthday
Today is neighbour Bruce’s birthday so Julie bakes a cake and invites Ham and Peter from Sarah G as well as Bruce from Mamba for dinner.  Our guest arrive at 5, which Julie is thankful for as she has declared she will keep cleaning until our guests arrive so glad when they appeared.  We have an excellent barbeque with chicken.  The rest of the meal is green which is good, green salad, broccoli salad, and fresh green beans.  Helps offset all the restaurants we have been visiting.  More evening stories during coffee as these sailors have a wealth of experience.


Julie and Dawson

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