Trip Day 10, Rest Day #2– Cochrane, Alberta
Rest Day #2 started with a 8 o’clock wake up and a nice breakfast with Martin and Sue. Right at 9:30 we were on our way to Bragg Creek for a 7 km hike, Martin had laid out day of hiking, relaxing and shopping for us.
Martin and Julie at the start of Bragg trail |
Bragg Creek is a provincial park ~ 30 km south of Cochrane. Martin uses the trails for training for Ultra marathons. It was a beautiful hike with 5 cm of fresh snow on the trail and provided many photo opportunities.
At one point on the hike I lost my concentration as I saw a “SQUlRREL” |
Some interesting rules in Alberta with regards to what can take place on hiking trails. Here is a sign showing that you cannot ride the trails but are encouraged to slap your dog. Interesting rules!
On our return to Cochrane, we went into town to pick up some items including some “grippers” (mini crampons) recommended by Beth’s Aunt Ruthie, as trails are icy in spots. We went to Trailblazers an outdoor store in town run by Mark a friend of Martins. We introduced ourselves to Mark as soon as we walked in telling Mark we were from Ontario he was quite pleased to have people in his store from the “center of the universe” and even more excited to know that we had most recently lived in the absolute center – Toronto!! Turns out Mark was born and raised in Toronto. Mark is an electrical engineer that decided there was more to life then Y and Z bars and moved west and opened the sport store. He did mention that his wife who is an engineer as well, stayed in the corporate role, supporting some advice given to me a long time ago on how to achieve financial security, “Get the wife working and keep the wife working.” This advice was may sound chauvinistic, but was given by a college 20 years ago to me in the mining industry.
With the completion of our errands (stop at the grocery and liquor store) we headed back to the Parnell’s home for our 2nd hike of the day; a short 1.7 km hike along the Bow River behind their home.
We then concluded the day with an excellent meal of Salmon with a plan for a movie. Hopefully it is better than “In the eye of beholder” which we watched last night and was terrible. The only saving grace was the performance of k.d. lang.
Julie and Dawson
Cassie is very excited over your squirrel sighting!!