Saturday, 16 November 2013

Day 137, Wednesday November 6th

Day 137 Wednesday November 6th The Gulf Stream
Our timing to the Gulf is perfect.  We get through the gates and meet the churning seas.  We are hoping to cross in 10-12 hours but it turns into 24 hours.  The stream is much wider than we had hoped and our speeds are only 3 and 4 knots, unlike the 8 knots we had been making. 

Dawson after the nav light install
More breakage as the wind generator breaks and the brakes won’t work on it so we can’t get it stopped.  We hope that the tail does not go flying into the sea.  Also the navigation light at the front breaks and disappears during the night.  We hunt for a replacement light (which requires pulling out tons of crap) and find one that has a broken shield on it, and Dawson Magivers  it with a mayonnaise container by cutting the plastic mayo container and siliconing it over the broken hole in the lens of the only one we have on board.  Installation was very interesting as Dawson and Rob went forward in 10 foot swells and Dawson was leaned over the bow pulpit dipping his head in as the boat smashed into a wave, and then the wave would swoosh up the pulpit and provide a water enema to Rob.  Greg and Julie were spectators on the helm observing the 30 minute beating up at the bow.

Wet messy boat
Daytime is fun as we are all awake and have a meal together.  We do try to nap when we are off shift, but we also want to keep our eyes out for whales.  Greg is supposed to call them in, but so far we have not seen one.  They do think they saw a shark when we were leaving Hampton that I forgot to mention.

Julie and Dawson



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