Sunday, 16 February 2014

Day 236, Thursday February 13th

Day 236, Thursday February 13th

Ice cream treat along the way
We are happy with our anchorage last night.  We had rain and lightening throughout the night, but not much movement by us.  We were well sheltered.   It is still rainy in the morning so we enjoy staying in our pyjamas til around 11, just swilling coffee and reading.  Julie gets a bit of housework done, then we are off for an afternoon hike with Lynn from Windward to explore the stores along the King’s hwy.  There is a NAPA store where we find batteries and a new rug for the boat to replace the one that blew off our deck one night when we had left it out.  Next stop is an art gallery.  A lovely establishment with carvings, paintings and some jewellry.  Like normal we enjoy the look but don’t buy.  We really have no where to put stuff.  Another mile down the road we find a bit of a grocers and we get some yogurt that was not available when we had done our groceries the other day.  The best part though is the single serving chocolate Hagendas ice cream we all buy and enjoy.  We walk about another mile but there is not much to see so we turn around and head for home.  Just before our turnoff path to the beach there is an older lady with her basket weaving so we purchase a handwoven basket for our fruit.  This ladies prices are much better than the tourist straw market although for her time, she did not charge enough.

We take Lynn back to her boat and make plans to return for sundowners and dinner after we go for a swim.  Julie whips together lobster stuffed mushrooms to bring as an appetizer as we need to finish off the lobster tails  we had cooked up the other night.

We dinghy over to Windward and have a fabulous clam linguini along with the appetizers which are lovely.  We chat for hours, but decide to head home when we start seeing lightening off in the distance.  Squalls could be on their way.

We ensure everything is secured and pile off to bed for the night.

Julie and Dawson

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