Saturday, 22 February 2014

Day 243, Thursday, February 20th

Day 243, Thursday, February 20th

We awake to another beautiful day.  Today we have declared a relax day, i.e. we will not be moving.  Around 9 Dawson heads out for a run and Julie stays onboard to clean the boat and do her French lesson.
Dawson’s run takes him out the main road, the Queen’s Highway, and then along the road for about 2 kms.  En route he passes Pratt’s Convenience Store which may have some milk for us.  He is back to the boat for 10 and finds the boat looking nice and tidied.

Dinghy ride up the creek
We decide to head into the convenience store to try our luck, but instead of walking we take the salt water creek up to the Queen’s Highway leaving us with only a 1 km hike.  The trip up the creek we figure will be interesting.  Our thoughts are right and we enjoy the ride, spotting a number of Eagle Rays and a large barracuda.   We park the dinghy at a small dock and head in for the 1 km walk.  The store is there but shelves are quite bare.  The owner is planning on doing a new order at the end of the month, there is no fresh milk but we do buy a jar of mixed nuts.

Some shallow spots in the creek
We head back to the dinghy and then to the boat.  The plan for the afternoon is just relax, do some reading and small jobs around the boat.   As the sun is getting ready to set we try to hail the only other sailboat in harbour, Angel Eyes, to see if they want to come over for a visit, but they are not monitoring their radio.  So we enjoy our sundowers by ourselves.

Coffee after dinner, a game of Kings Cribbage and off to bed we go.

A very relaxing day.

Dawson and Julie

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