Sunday, 16 February 2014

Day 237 Friday February 14th, Valentines day

Day 237 Friday February 14th, Valentines day      

Well last night was not a good sleep for Julie.  The winds clocked to the north 4 hours earlier than planned so swells set up in our anchorage about midnight instead of 4 a.m.  We were planning on leaving with the morning high tide at 6 a.m. so did not mind the early morning bobbing, but when it started around midnight, Julie was constantly checking our anchor.  No need to be concerned as we held fine, and it really was not much bobbing around.  Nothing like our night at Pelee Island.

We creeped out of the anchorage about 6:30 and had lots of water under the keel by Bahamas standards.  We had a minimum of about 6 inches on the way in but at least a foot at the skinniest (shallowest) on the way out due to timing of the tides.  We anchor back near volleyball beach as we are only planning on being here for a night and there is a valentine dinner dance going on so this anchorage is handy for the social life.  We anchor about where we had been on another occasion and head to the beach for a run and yoga.  Gwen and Giomme, and their guests are joining us.  After our exercise we head over to visit Blue Moon and Charbonneau.  It is now about 11 and we go back to the mothership as Julie wants to fit a nap in today due to last nights lack of sleep and the requirement to stay up past boaters midnight for the dance.  As we approach our boat we see that it is quite close to the neighbours.  The winds had shifted to the east and the neighbour anchors with rope as opposed to chain so we swing differently.  We quickly start up the engine and relocate.  The neighbour is sitting in his cockpit watching that we don’t hit.  We yell our apologies and he dismisses it with a “they are just boats, not to worry”, which is nice.  Some boaters get quite testy if neighbours park too closely.

We are now anchored further afield, with no risk of collisions.  Julie naps, Dawson reads, then falls asleep too.  We awake at 2:00 and after deflating the kayaks to vacumn out the sand that is chafing them, we head to volleyball beach for a game of volleyball.  Oh what a busy life.  We have been enjoying the activities, although Julie has a pulled calf which is a bit tender but does not prevent her from playing.
Back on the mothership we get ready for the dinner dance.  Dinner is a buffet of ribs, fish and chicken.  We bring our own utensils as they will serve with plastic which is not very “special” for our valentines.  Julie wishes she brought a wine glass too as they serve it in a plastic disposable water glass.  Oh well.  The food is good, the music is a blast.  There are about 100 people trying to fit on the deck to dance.  We chat to many of the boater friends we have made and get lots of exercise jumping around to the music.  By 10:00 we are winding down and head home.  We find the boat very easily.  We are getting better at noting our location with the many boats anchored here.


Julie and Dawson

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